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Writer's pictureSuzannah M. Barrie


The scientific name is Salvia officinalis and more than 900 species of sage grow worldwide.

A lot of sage will be consumed today as it's the key herb in traditional Thanksgiving stuffing recipes.

Let's delve deeper to find out the amazing health reasons why you may want to routinely consume more sage.

Sage's scientific name, Salvia, comes from the Latin word "salveo" - - this means "salvation," "to be in good health, to heal". Sage is a member of the mint family.

The oldest known records of sage being used for its healing powers date back over 4000 years when the ancient Egyptians used it to treat infertility and serious diseases including epidemics like the plague.

Later on, in medieval Europe, it was used to strengthen the memory.

Sage is jam-packed with antioxidants that protect you from serious diseases and improve your brain power and memory.

In fact, sage contains over 160 different polyphenols which are plant-based compounds that act as antioxidants in your body.

Sage boosts brain health, memory and moods.

Sage lowers "bad" LDL cholesterol.

Sage helps support the immune system.

Sages helps to manage and prevent diabetes.

Sage helps with skin health and anti-aging.

Sage may fight certain cancers.

Sage helps with menopause symptoms.

Sage improves oral health.

Some sage advice, consider eating more of this "miracle" herb! Fresh is best but dried works well too. One of my favorite ways to enjoy sage is in a nice hot cup of tea.

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